The best conditions for entrepreneurs’ chances of success

A necessary space for contemplation, for cosy and informal meetings as well as professional tools and communities,
where ideas, experiences, resources, and business opportunities are shared for the common good.


Instructive meetups, pitch presentations
and social Friday bars

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Symbion Talent

og career fairs

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Symbion Connect

Meet up with others in your sector and
overcome your challenges

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Popular sectors
in the community

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Podcast & Blog

Know-how, good advice, inspiration
and success stories

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Development programs,
foundations, universities, etc.

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Community Platform

Network, sparring, meeting room booking,
overview of future events and much more.

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In the Symbion community, we do our utmost to ensure our activity calendar is filled with interesting and exciting events, such as meetups, pitch presentations, social Friday bar, and many more. The next event is listed below, and our events page shows all upcoming events.

Symbion Talent

Som del af Symbion-netværket har du og din virksomhed adgang til en række matchmaking-events og career fairs. Disse afholdes i samarbejde med forskellige samarbejdspartnere – eksempelvis ITU, KU, CBS, Copenhagen Capacity, Akademikernes A-kasse m.fl.

Symbion Connect

Symbion Connect meetings are held in order to create a network focusing on the individual companies in the Symbion community and the people who work within these companies.

Symbion Connect meetings are relevant and targeted networking meetings where the Symbion’s community team selects companies working in the same sector or experiencing the same challenges.

Symbion Connect can help businesses in the community, who are missing a particular competence, to connect with those who possess that competence and vice versa.


Within the ecosystems, we offer sector specific coaching and internal networks among companies working in the same sector.



Medtech fokuserer på innovationen og udviklingen af medicin, vacciner og procedurer der skal løse sundhedsproblemer og forbedre livskvaliteten. Symbion har som en del af Copenhagen Science City været med til at udvikle et større netværk, hvor studerende, forskere og virksomheder kan gøre brug af hinandens erfaringer og kompetencer inden for området.

Podcast & blog

iVærktøjskassen is a podcast from Symbion providing know-how and brief guides to life as start-up and entrepreneur. You can listen to Symbion podcasts whenever it suits you and wherever you are. We give you know-how in a portable format.

The Entrepreneur blog, features guides, success stories, know-how and many other topics with startups and entrepreneurs in mind. Find out more about sectors and ecosystems in the Symbion communityand get inspiration to help grow your business.


Access to skills, knowledge and cooperating partners are decisive when building up your business or in deciding to scale it up or down. Symbion works closely with a number of partners to give you access to this. These partners include: Accelerace, Agro Business Park, the Alexandra Institute, the Universities of Copenhagen and others. They can help you and your business in many fields when you are part of the Symbion community. You can find out much more about our collaborating partners and the community offers provided by them here.

Community Platform

You get access the mit.symbion Community Platform when you are part of the Symbion network (with the exception of virtual offices). This gives you access to a platform that facilitates networking, sparring and knowledge sharing combined with special deals and collective agreements, easy and accessible meeting room booking, overview of professional and social events in the community and much, much more.